
design by Snøhetta

Fornace Brioni Void design Snohetta photo Mattia Balsamini AD Cristina Celestino Studio 2

Void collection is a celebration of hand-pressed terracotta that pushes the boundaries of material reduction and soft forms. By emphasizing light, shadow, and texture, the collection embraces the unique imperfections resulting from artisanal craftsmanship. Each piece in the collection is manually crafted on order, comprising both tiles and 3D elements.

Parete modulare in terracotta con una sedia in legno e un vaso decorativo su piedistallo in primo piano, illuminati da luce naturale
Parete in ceramica bianca con moduli concavi e una sedia in legno in primo piano, illuminata da luce naturale
Parete in terracotta con moduli concavi, sgabello grigio e luce naturale che crea un contrasto di ombre
Moduli in terracotta con superfici concave e texture ruvida, disposti in composizione geometrica su sfondo scuro
Parete in terracotta con moduli concavi e struttura in ceramica bianca in primo piano, illuminata da luce naturale
Elementi modulari in terracotta con texture ruvida e forme geometriche sovrapposte su sfondo scuro
Moduli in terracotta con superfici concave e texture ruvida, disposti in composizione geometrica su sfondo scuro

The tiles, with their minimalist design, offer a myriad of geometric patterns and compositions. Optional glazing provides a smooth finish, making them suitable for various spaces, including wet areas. The larger 3D elements serve a dual purpose, functioning as brick-like structural components for both indoor and outdoor applications. Notably, the collection prioritizes slow production and reduced material use, resulting in the creation of deep, soft curves and voids that maintain the strength of a structural element.


Wall coverings Void

Partition Void

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